Carleigh DeLapp Bonney Lake Soccer Print.

What does fishing line, a leaf blower, and studio lighting have in common?
Not much. But we used these unrelated items to create a grand photographic print.
Carleigh DeLapp our 2019-20 Intensity Sports Photography & Art Female Sports Model Athlete did an awesome job of modeling to help us create this hyper real soccer scene.
On a soccer field we arranged a three light setup of studio lighting, we had Carleigh model the soccer action which she did with great impact. My wife Rose held the soccer ball on fishing line and used the leaf blower to get some movement in Carleigh’s hair to help “sell the scene”.
After a uniform change Carleigh was ready to play her second part in this scene as being the opponent that the first Carleigh in the scene is stealing the ball from.
We had a great warm fall evening with a beautiful sunset as our back drop.
I truly appreciate Carleigh and my wife Rose for the patients, work and time in helping me create this art piece.
And hope it adds to the enjoyment of Carleigh’s senior year!
Here are some photos of the presentation of the fall sports print to the DeLapp family and the completed image. A 16 x 24 print on Kodak Endura Lustre, Matted and framed .

Carleigh DeLapp Bonney Lake Soccer
Image created by Bonney Lake Photographer Stacy Tyler.
If you know a three sport athlete that you think should be our next Sports Model Athlete please let us know!