Senior Model Tacoma Isabell JROTC
My personal favorite from our projects with Izzy this year.
Isabell was dealing with a knee injury during the winter sports season and did not participate in a winter sport, so we were unable to work on a project at the time.
Instead we decided to do a project involving her participation in Lakes High School Lancers JROTC.
Which is perfect as her participation in JROTC was one of the main factors in our choosing Isabell to be our 2018-19 Sports model.
We created some photographs with a tank in the background and timed our session so that the sunset would be behind her and the tank. Family Jon and Lindsay helped me steady lighting gear while we waited for the sun to be just right. And when the moment was right we had Izzy take a step toward the camera, the idea of this piece being that we are showing Izzy stepping into her future.
In post I removed power lines and poles and added concrete surface, air craft and a waving flag.
I had a 16 x 24 metallic print made which made the colors “pop” even more and we presented to Isabell after the Lakes JROTC awards.
Isabell was also awarded the Iron Woman Award for physical fitness that evening. So cool to see young people excelling in our communities.
Thanks Izzy for being such a great sports model!